Saturday, January 31, 2015

Life Happens. Let It Go.

Someone told me recently:

 "Sometimes I wish I never met him."

I thought, Wow. That's rude. I'm sure he doesn't feel that way about her. How could you even think that about a person? Don't be so selfish enough to think that life is going to be perfect and fit to your standards. It won't. Life has standards of its own and they don't fit into yours or anyone else's cookie cutter standards.

Life happens. Let it go. Sure, he broke your heart. But did you ever think about what he was going through? He could be having a rough time and you just don't want to wish him out of your life. Like, who gives you that power?

I believe that people come into your life for a reason. You go through things for a reason. All of the "bad" and even the "good" things in life teach you a lesson. If you wish it all away, you are wishing part of yourself away, part of your past. Why would you do that?

Does your life suck that much that you just want to wish it away?

You aren't perfect.
I am sure as hell not perfect.
And in the great words of Hannah Montana: Nobody is perfect.

So grow up. Realize that life won't work out exactly the way you planned it. People will do things that you don't agree with and that's okay. They aren't living your life. They are living their life. They are doing what they need to do to make themselves happy and you need to do the same.

Be happy. Do stupid things. Don't feel like you need to explain yourself to anyone because you don't. Say what you feel like you need to say. Your friends like you for you and not because of your past or future.

If you spend your life being negative all the time, that's all it will ever be; a big mess of negativity. That's not fun for anyone and the majority of people won't want to be around negative people. It just happens. If you look at the bright side of things, things will generally be better. If you go into a situation being negative that's how it's going to be; negative.

If you keep holding on to these bitter feelings, you are going to live a bitter life. As John Green said:
"The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive."
So just forgive him. Forgive yourself. Forgive the situation because you can't do anything about it. Don't make him suffer because you aren't happy with the situation.