Friday, June 22, 2018


Sitting by the edge of the water, listening to the sounds of nature. The water is high and fast. From snow melt and a week of constant rain, the intensity of the river has changed. It doesn't resemble the memory I have of a calm, peaceful body of water from last year. Life and time has changed it.

Sitting by the edge of the water. Overwhelmed with a feeling of sadness, hopelessness, and frustration. Some call it depression. The water is me, unexpectedly flowing out of control.

Sitting by the edge of the water. On the verge of becoming one with the water. Wondering what is the point? Why do I try when my efforts get me nowhere? What am I doing so wrong? What is so wrong with me?

Sitting by the edge of the water. Contemplating life and death. Watching families interact with their children. Children so full of life and hope. Representing all the good in the world. Showing the circle of life in full swing.

Sitting by the edge of the water, listening to the sounds of nature. The water is high and fast. From snow melt and a week of constant rain, the intensity of the river has changed. It doesn't resemble the memory I have of a calm, peaceful body of water from last year. Life and time has changed it. However, its comforting to know that given some time, it will come back down and I'll be left with another memory of a calm, peaceful body of water.

Sitting by the edge of the water. The water is me, unexpectedly flowing out of control. Holding onto one fact I know to be true: given some time I will slow down and revert back to my calm, peaceful self.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Map of Life

Life has a funny way of unfolding itself.

It is like you and "Life" driving together somewhere you have never been. You are looking at the map, planning your next few turns only to find out that Life has taken its own turns. It could be a minor detour that is easy to get back with your plan. It could also be a major detour that leads you in a new direction to a different destination.

It is hard to know at the time if Life takes you on minor or major detours until you are looking back at it. For example, while I was studying my map I originally went to college thinking I would double major in Elementary Education and Spanish. Within my first year I went on a detour that led me down the Early Childhood Path which I am 100% happy with. At the time I would have said that it was a minor detour, but looking back it was a major turning point for me.

Everything after that seems like smooth sailing. I was working on my Elementary and Early Childhood degree and could see the light at the end of the tunnel: a teaching job in an Elementary School. That was my plan and it seemed like everything was working out for me.

Life must have thought I needed a new detour since I hadn't really had one in four years. I had my Elementary interviews, one I bombed and one I rocked. I was pretty confident in getting one of those interviews. Life had a different idea and sent me back on the Early Childhood Path. Right now I can see two roads; one road is fairly clear and leading to preschool whereas the other road is rather bumpy and uncertain but will lead me to elementary.

On top of Life doing its own driving, you also have backseat drivers. These people could be family, friends, or even strangers who think they know what is best. Mine are family and family friends. The preschool path for them looks dinky and useless whereas the elementary road is the only road to go on. They see me subbing, jumping school to school until I land that elementary job. I appreciate their confidence in me, but what if that never happens? Do they think about what I want or just what they see fit for me?

Maybe I'm not cutout to teach elementary in this town. Maybe I don't want the added stress that this district puts on teachers- especially new ones. I am confident I could get a teaching job in another town and state. I don't want to live in another town or even another state.

What I see about the two roads Life has set for me, is they are both over-arched with teaching, kids, and making a positive impact. Those things are what matters to me. I know I'll need to make a choice soon. Do I want to stick with the Early Childhood Path that Life has laid out so easily and is less stressful or do I want to take the harder path back to my original plan of Elementary?

What my backseat drivers don't realize is that if I do choose the Elementary Path, I would take the Early Childhood Path if it didn't work out. Maybe not getting a job was a sign that better things are to come with my Early Childhood Path than Elementary? Maybe that is what I want to believe.

What I want to guide my decision is my happiness. I don't want to choose something because everyone wants me to. For all I know I could be planning one path and Life will detour me to the other or a completely new path. I'm battling between Elementary and Early Childhood and I feel so conflicted.

What I worry about is if I choose the Early Childhood Path, will I be wasting the four years of education and money I put in to Elementary? A bit, I think will be wasted because you can't apply everything about Elementary to Early Childhood since the kids will be a different stages of life. I have so many books and materials that are meant for Elementary that I will never use in an Early Childhood setting.

I found this picture and decided to try it:

I feel like I should want to continue to pursue Elementary but, I don't. I feel like I can have the same outcome (or better) by doing preschool. With preschool, I can see where it will take me and I think that's where I would want to be. Why not flip the tables: if Early Childhood doesn't work out, I can always sub. I think I've been told SO many times to continue with Elementary that I forgot I can ALWAYS come back to it.

The world is always going to need teachers.

Friday, December 16, 2016

¿Am I Cinderella?

So I've been trying to write a post for MONTHS. My last post was in September and it is now December. I just haven't liked what I've typed up and end up never publishing it. Right now I am just sort of word-vomiting to get things on the page because my brain has been cluttered for a while and I just need to let it out. So let's get started!

Relationships are so confusing. In all sense of the word from a colleague to a friendship to a love interest. I try to make sure I have a good relations with everyone but some people make is SO HARD. When I am in a bad situation I try to make myself see things from the other person's perspective to make sure I am not the one doing the harm and change my ways from there. But sometimes, that isn't the case. Sometimes, I just cannot find a way that I am harming others more than they are harming me. That makes me sound a little self-centered, but that's how I see things.

Recently, I have actually realized what it is to hate someone. Genuinely dislike to the point where I cannot wait for them to be out of my life because they bring such a negative vibe and energy into my life. The three of us are in a position of power in the band and have to work together. However, they give me no power. The head of the snake...let's call her Anastasia should have more power than Drizella and myself because Anastasia is the instructor where as Drizella and I are just section leaders. But that's not the case. Anastasia and Drizella decided to share the power leaving me with doing all of the tasks they don't want to do. Which, you know, I guess is okay because these tasks generally are pretty important...buuuuut I'm all for equal share in these roles like every other section in the band.

These two people have cause me so much stress this semester. I have tried very hard to not let them get to me, but it is really hard. Especially when you are invested in something and want to see everyone succeed and you feel like you're the black sheep of everything. Observing them teach and give feedback is so sad. I try to give feedback to everyone and Anastasia gives feedback to the ones she enjoys....which is Drizella (but she's always perfect) and Drizella's minion. Which leaves six of us thinking we're okay, even if we aren't. I don't really know when all of this started, and I feel like I am more at odds ends with Anastasia than Drizella but they're both so far up each others ass that I consider them the same. (I thought about deleting that sentence...but I couldn't find any other way to word that.)

This may have really snowballed down when I made a mistake [how dare I??!] and Anastasia got very, VERY upset with me. When I tried to apologize she didn't even try to listen it was just "You should've done this. No excuses." So I was a little frustrated and sent her a fairly long message apologizing and explaining myself. I pretty much told her that I don't feel respected as a leader and it makes it very hard to respect her when it doesn't feel mutual, but I have been very supportive of all changes she has made when people question them. From then she stopped talking to me, stopped looking at me during practice, stopped helping me, stopped making sure I was doing okay when I missed things. This all happened late September/early October.... SOOOO it's been going on for quite a few months.

When I try to put myself in their shoes, I don't think I am in the wrong. People make mistakes, but I owned it and my reasoning was valid. I think Anastasia is more upset that I made her look bad in front of "Lady Tremaine". I don't think I've been disrespectful to Anastasia and Drizella's face. Behind their back...maybe a little bit but they've been disrespectful to my face in front of the rest of the guard. I JUST DON'T GET IT.

I hope they are very content with themselves in making others feel like shit about themselves. 

This is a little tangent, however I feel like this whole situation is very similar to Cinderella hence why I changed their names to match the Ugly Step Sisters. My view on Cinderella is that she is someone who goes through her life, even though she has people treating her like trash every day, with a smile and positive attitude that things will get better one day. Cinderella marries the Prince and moves away from all of that negativity. If she can be kind to all of these negative people I can as well. I know, she's just a cartoon, but I love the message she brings.

I think I'll leave this post with this emphasis on these colleague relationships and come back with another post about friends/love interests for another time. So the moral of this story is to be kind to everyone, even if they aren't kind to you. The world cares about the kindness of others, good things happen to those who are kind to others.

So yes, we all can take advice from Cinderella. 😃👸

One last parting words from Cinderella:

Monday, September 5, 2016

You Matter To Me

I haven't posted in a few months, had writers block. But I've recently had some inspiration so, here I am, writing.

We've had this chat multiple times about figuring out what we wanted, who we were, and what we expected from a relationship before anything became a thing. Maybe I didn't understand at the time, maybe the two years of life you had on me were giving you an advantage of planning this out. Maybe you just knew and maybe I'm just a little slow. Whatever the reason, I'm starting to figure it out

Our last falling out hit me hard. To me it came out of nowhere. I thought I was being supportive and understanding but maybe I was smothering you too much. Maybe all you needed was this space and time to figure out your life. And I needed to figure out myself. Looking back, even though I hated it and had quite a few negative feelings towards you, I'm glad it happened.

-- I am more confident with myself. I don't need you to help me, I can do this on my own. But if you're there, I'm going to use you as support.
-- I know how much I am willing to put up with. If you start getting shady then you've made your choice. I'm not going to put up with crappy friends anymore.
-- I also know what I expect from a relationship now, at least, more than I did before. Actually, what I expect from friendships as well.I don't like sounding all high-and-mighty but when it comes to my well-being and happiness, I'm going to sound like that. I don't want to settle on a relationship just because it is convenient. I want to have fun and be serious. Honesty. Comfort. Someone who unknowingly makes me a better person.
-- I know how to be happy on my own. I think before I depended on you too much and now I've realized that you don't dictate my happiness but that your words and actions can influence my happiness but they don't make or break it. I get to do that.
-- I also know more of what I want out of a relationship. I want someone who will let me in their life, tell me about their feelings and thoughts, share their past, let me in during hard times. I want someone who makes me laugh, but can also have serious conversations. I want to feel like our conversations are genuine, I don't want to feel like we have the same conversations with other fiends we are close with. I want us to be silly. There is a time for work and a time for play and I want a playful relationship where we just enjoy each others company.

I don't know if it is you. I don't know if I want it to be you either. But somewhere inside me keeps pulling me to you and makes me think that it is you. You are going to be my person. You cause me so many conflicting emotions it is hard to make out what I really feel sometimes. But recently I think I'm starting to figure it out..maybe.

Here are some things I do know:
I really enjoy talking to you. I enjoy your stories and insights. We have a connection that I don't have with anyone else and I want to cherish it. There are conversations that I only have with you. I am excited for your future and all of the great things you'll do. You matter to me. I care about you and your happiness.

But then I start to think, do I tell you? Should I just be blunt and get it all out and if things aren't reciprocal just pick up the pieces and move on? Or do I wait a little longer? What do I even expect to come from telling you?  Maybe I should figure that out before I say anything. Right now, we are still growing on our own, but I feel like we are also growing together...slowly. Or maybe I'm just picturing what I want instead of what is actually happening. I feel very content with things right now. For now I'll leave it as, you matter to me. I'll figure everything out later. 

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Changes. Letting Go.

It is so crazy how quickly life changes. How quickly feelings change. Everything happens in a blink of an eye. And change is never easy. Big changes are so unexpected they are hard to adjust to sometimes.

I feel like the little changes are harder than the big ones. As unexpected as the big ones are, it is very clear and easy to know that you need to make adjustments. The little things in life, they don't scream change and usually go by unnoticed. When I look back on life, I notice the little things. I notice (in hind-sight) how the little things snowballed down. Eventually the little things became the big things.

I don't know if you'll ever read this. Frankly, I don't really care if you do or not. This blog is really just for me. Few people know about it and that's okay. You were both a big and little change. Unexpected and unnoticed. But definitely life changing.

I guess I knew all along that things wouldn't work. I think that is one of the hardest parts for me to come to terms with. Deep down I knew, I knew and I still let myself fall. And everyone told me to not to but I wouldn't listen. My gut told me not to, that I would be better off. But something about it felt right. And having that little glimmer was enough for me.

Things were good. Things were really good for quite a while. I mean, there were still some bumps in the road, but nothing we couldn't overcome. That hope grew and grew. It grew larger than the doubt and I began ignoring my gut. I was content. I was ready for the next step. But we had to wait until we were in the same town.

I guess that should've been a flag. If we were going to have a future it shouldn't matter if we aren't in the same town. We should want the future to start as soon as possible. I did. Your priorities were different though. I was not at the top of your list...or even the top 5. And ever so slowly I kept falling on your list.

I gave you excuses for that. "Oh, he's just busy with stuff."  "We usually only talk at night, that's okay."  "We are more talkative during the weekends."  "He has other things to be doing than seeing me."  "He'll respond later." Now, I'm not saying you needed to put me at the top of your list and treat me like a queen. No. That's not it. But I needed to feel wanted. I needed to feel like I mattered to you.

Sadly, this isn't the first time that has happened. Where seemingly out of the blue you stop talking to me. Where we used to talk everyday to where we went weeks without talking. That was hard to adjust to. It happened slowly enough that I didn't know it was happening until you weren't responding to anything.

When I finally talked to you about it you turned it around on me. It was my fault, how dare I expect so much from you at a time like this, I'm just adding to your stress. It is so crazy how you are never in the wrong. Because obviously you could do no wrong. I can't believe I expected some communication from you. I mean, we were pretty much dating. But whatever.

Oddly enough. We went through about the same timeline the first time we were almost a thing...or an unofficial thing. About a solid year and a half. And it was all on me. It was all my fault, my personality, my actions, according to you. It was really hard for me to be okay with being friends with you after that. It was a lot of work for me.

This time is hard too. Maybe harder than the last (but easier at the same time). Part of me was still guarded from before, part of me knew it wouldn't work. I guess I could tell that things were changing when you got your job...and then quit.

I guess. The point of all this. A month ago I would've done anything. And now, I see how much effort you put in, and I just cant keep putting myself out there to get no response form you. Even just as friends, I can't just have a conversation with you. Things change so fast.

I want you in my life. But right now, I don't think it is possible. I want to be there for you because I know that life isn't that great right now. But I don't think I can. You haven't been there for me. You've hurt me...a lot. It is going to take a while to get over it. Someone asked me if I ever loved you. I don't know. Maybe I did once...or maybe I never have. Maybe I just loved the idea of you. But I guess we'll never find out now.

Sometimes, I think about the future. And one day I randomly run into you, we haven't talked in years and everything is great between us. The timing is finally perfect. I don't think the timing for anything will ever be prefect. If it is important to you, you go for it, and the change is easy and accepted with open arms. It is when the change isn't expected or wanted where we have problems.

The change that comes into our life, whether we want it or now, will talk us on the path we need to get on. Sometimes, we have to make the same mistakes more than once because the first time didn't put us on the right path or fully teach us the lesson.

So for now, I'm going to try to do this with minimal ties with you. I think that's best for me. I want this next year of schooling to focus on me. And if things happen to come around, great. If not, that's okay too.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Bumper Cars

I was looking through old pictures and deleting some screenshots I have taken. I ran across a picture of one of our conversations. You asked me what I had thought might happen between up in 2016. I was thinking about that today.

I want things to go somewhere. I want them to start evolving. I want to know there is a plan for the future and that we aren't just wasting time. Assuming that things happen like we say, I need a few things to change. I'm not that happy right now with things. I'm probably going to sound a little demanding, but I really need some of these things to start to change.

So. I need to feel like I am part of your life. I don't want to create a future with someone where I don't know what is going on in their life. If your busy, that's fine, but nobody is ever busy enough that they can't take 5 seconds out of their day to send a quick text to check in. If I know that I'll get a better conversation from you on the weekend, then I'll wait to share things until them. But I would like a little "Hey, hope everything is going well." message every now and again.

If you're trying to figure things out, let me help. That is what I am here for. I don't want you to have to go through this on your own and you shouldn't have to. I want to be there for you. I want to know what is going on in your life. I want to know what you are debating about in your head. I want to know these things. I need your full attention sometimes. I feel alone when replies come every 45 minutes. That is a long time to wait for a reply, especially when I really needed someone to talk to.

I need to feel like I am part of your family. I don't really know anything about your family. If it is hard to talk about, I get it. But I hope you trust me enough that you don't mind sharing these hard conversations with me. That's how we grow and learn together. But if we aren't given the opportunity, nothing will change.

I need you to be open and willing to doing different things with me. I really enjoy going up to the mountains for the day. I want you to experience that with me. As I want you to share your life with me, I want to share my life with you. I want you to feel like you are part of my life. I want you by my side through the good and the bad. Especially the bad. I can only hope you feel the same way.

I want us to work together, as partners, I don't want us to have to do this thing on our own. If things don't start to change, I might have to bow out. I would rather know that I'm not in a position to count on you, that there are no strings attached with us. It hurts. I feel sad and unappreciated when you're "too busy" to say hey. I get being busy. I understand having a lot on your plate, but I just don't see how it is so full that you can't say hi.

I feel like I need to stand up for myself in this part of our relationship right now. If you want to work for this, I am all in. But if I'm not near the top of your list, I'll find someone else who will put me up there. I need to feel like I am respected in this and right now, I don't really feel that way. I will give what I receive and right now, that isn't a lot. This isn't an ultimatum, but I want it to be a push in the direction we've talked about, a push to have a meaningful talk and compromise about what we expect.

I want to work on this, on us. But I need you to want it too.